Seattle Public Schools


Walk, Bike, and Roll to School

Graphic of kid on a bike

Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School is a national movement to make it easier and safer for students to walk, bike, and roll to school. We work with the 西雅图交通局 to improve safety around schools and to support students to walk, bike, and roll. 



WHY 步行和骑自行车上学是一种有趣的锻炼方式, 减少学校周围的交通堵塞和污染, and create community. Studies say students who walk and bike to school arrive more alert and ready to learn!


The district’s Safe Routes to School Coordinator (Brooke Nelson) can support you in any of these ideas and more (

  • 步行到学校或骑自行车. 学生们可以见面,一起步行或骑自行车.
  • 帮助10月4日的步行上学日.
  • 申请西雅图交通部最高1美元的补助,去买街头壁画之类的东西, warm winter clothes, and event supplies.
  • 分享成功的故事,我们将在学校和地区的通讯中播送.


PORQUE 在此基础上,笔者提出了一种新的研究方法,即在不同的情况下,采用不同的方法进行研究, reducir la congestión y la contaminación alrededor de las escuelas y crear una comunidad. Los estudios dicen que los estudiantes que caminan o van en bicicleta a la escuela llegan más alertas y listos para aprender.


Bailey Gatzert Elementary - los estudiantes caminan en grupos a la escuela y los padres cambian en quién dirige (autobús escolar a pie).
Bailey Gatzert Elementary – los estudiantes caminan en grupos a la escuela y los padres cambian en quién dirige (autobús escolar a pie).
  • Dirija una caminata del grupo - colar在一个城市的城市. 学生们在学校里学习,并在学校里学习.
  • Ayuda en el Día de Caminar a la Escuela el 10月4日.
  • 请登录subvención del Departamento de transportation de Seattle de hasta $1,000页的内容是“como murales callejeros”, 联合国首脑会议的会议安排.
  • Comparta historias de éxito y las difundiremos en los boletines escolares y del distrito.

[Simplified Chinese]

为什么 步行和骑单车上学是一种有趣的锻炼方式,可以减少学校周围的拥塞和污染,同时可以建立社区。研究告诉我们,步行和骑单车上学的学生更加警觉同时准备好学习!


  • 带领一组学生步行到学校或单车列队。学生可以集合起来,一起步行或骑单车到学校。
  • 10月4日是帮助步行上学日。
  • 你可以来申请西雅图交通部补助金,最高可达1000美元,来支付街头壁画,冬天穿的温暖衣服和活动用品等费用。
  • 来与我们分享成功的故事,我们会在学校和校区新闻通讯中播出来。


TẠI SAO Đ我bộvađxeđạpđến trường t mộhinh thức星期四vịđểtậpểdục, Giảm ùng tắc v ô nhiễm熊权trường học, đồng thời thiết lập cộng đồng. Các nghiên cứu cho biết những học sinh đi bộ và đạp xe đến trường sẽ tỉnh táo hơn và sẵn sàng học tập!


  • Dẫnđầu một nhomđi bộđến trường họhoặcđ赶紧走吧xeđạp. Học sinh có gặp v đi bnguyen hoặc đạp xe cùng nhau.
  • h y giúp đỡ với Ngày đi b * * đến trường vào ngày 4 tháng.
  • Nộp đơn xin trnt cấp của西雅图交通部lên đến $1,000 để thanh toán cho những vật nhh bức tranh tường đường phnguyen . 000, Quần áo ấm mùa đông v đồ dùng cho sculul kiện.
  • Chia sẻ những câu chuyện thành công và chúng tôi sẽ đăng chúng lên các bản tin của trường và học khu.


Waayo U lugaynta iyo baaskiil ku imaanshaha dugsiga waa hab madadaalo leh oo lagu sameeyo jimicsi, Lagu dhimo saxmada你是wasakhowga agagaarka dugsiyada, loona abuuro bulsho. Daraasaduhu waxay yiraahdeen ardayda u socota iyo baaskiilka ku taga dugsiga waxay la yimaadaan feejignaan dheeraad ah iyo diyaar u ahaan inay wax bartaan!


  • Hoggaami baaskiil ku imaanshaha dugsiga ama isku类群baaskiilada. Ardaydu we kulmikaraan iyaga, you lugaynaya ama baaskiil ku tegaya dugsiga.
  • Ka Qaybqaado Maalinka Baaskiil ku Tagga Dugsiga 10月4日.
  • Dalbo maalgelinta Waaxda isgaarsinta西雅图看到gaareysa $1,000年前,我在印度,我在印度,我在印度, dharka xilli qaboobaha, iyo kharashaadka kulamada.
  • Nala wadaag guushaada si aanu ugu so bandhigno warsidaha dugsiga you kan degmadaba.


ለምን ወደ ትምህርት ቤት በእግር እና ብስክሌት መሄድ የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴ ለማድረግ፣በትምህርት ቤቶች አካባቢ ያለውን መጨናነቅ እና ብክለት ለመቀነስ እንዲሁም ማህበረሰብ ለመፍጠር አስደሳች መንገድ ነው።ወደ ትምህርት ቤት በእግር እና በብስክሌት የሚጓዙ ተማሪዎች የበለጠ ንቁ እና ለመማር ዝግጁ እንደሚሆኑ ጥናቶች ያሳያሉ!


  • ወደትምህርትቤትብእግርወይምበብስክሌትየሚሄዱቡድንይምሩ።ተማሪዎችተገናኝተውአብረውበእግርወይምብስክሌትመሄድይችላሉ።
  • ዞ4ዙ።
  • እንደየመንገድላይየግድግዳሥዕሎች፣ሞቃታማየክረምትልብሶችእናየዝግጅትአቅርቦቶችለመግዛትየሚያስችልእስከ1美元,000年የሚያክልገንዘብለማግኘትለሲያትልየትራንስፖርትድጎማዲፓርትመንትያመልክቱ።
  • የስኬትታሪኮችያጋሩንእናበትምህርትቤትእናበዲስትሪክትጋዜጣዎችላይእናስተላልፋቸዋለን።

Why walk, bike, and roll? (i.e. 轮椅、踏板车、滑板等.)



大约三分之一的十大正规网赌软件学生大多数时间步行或骑自行车上学! 该数据基于三个来源:



The 西雅图交通局 funds Seattle Public Schools and Cascade Bicycle Club to run a 步行和骑自行车安全计划 for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, including students with disabilities, called Let’s Go. We’re expanding the program to all middle schools and piloted in a few kindergarten classes. Want to get involved? 喀斯喀特自行车俱乐部需要更多 自愿在教室里帮忙 or to deliver bikes to schools.

A Physical Education class at Louisa Boren STEM K-8 practice biking through the Let’s Go program.


步行校车是一群学生和一个或多个成年人一起步行上学, 沿途接送学生. 访问这个工具包获取入门技巧(第7页) and get guidance from the Seattle Public Schools Safe Routes to School Program Coordinator: Brooke Nelson;

Bailey Gatzert Elementary has 3 Walking School Bus routes to help students get to school on time and get exercise before school. 它还帮助父母分担每天送孩子上学的负担.

“自行车队”是一群学生和一个或多个成年人一起骑自行车上学, 沿途接送学生. Cascade Bicycle Club is happy to support Bike Trains with leader training, route planning, and more.

你可以和你的校长一起 关闭学校外的住宅区 to through traffic. 这为步行上学创造了一个温馨的环境, biking, or rolling (school buses, district transportation, 回家的人仍然可以在街上开车).


 Vision Zero yard signs 这些鼓励安全驾驶的车辆都有接送服务.

交通十大正规网赌软件是六个环境类别之一 EarthGen Certified

The 学校交通安全委员会 是一个由十大正规网赌软件代表组成的委员会吗, 西雅图交通局, Seattle Police Department, King County Metro, and 5 volunteer positions filled by interested members of the public including parents, grandparents, and neighbors. The Committee can offer guidance on reducing barriers to walking and biking to school.

Seattle Public Schools is hiring school crossing guards.

Get fun, free incentives like stickers, bike lights, and reflectors to hand out at events like Walk to School Day in October and during Bike to School Month in May.

十大正规网赌软件自助项目 allows volunteers to implement their creative ideas that improve the school building or grounds (like a painted bike path guiding students through the parking lot or a walk-to-school-themed mural).

提交申请获得自行车架 installed at your school.

下载“安全上学路线”活动指南 at your school and get guidance from the Seattle Public Schools Safe Routes to School Program Coordinator.

Middle School students at Pathfinder K-8 in West Seattle organized a campaign for Bike to School Day in May.
Middle School students at Pathfinder K-8 in West Seattle organized a campaign for Bike to School Day in May.


你最了解你的学校社区! 但这里有一些关于你的步行或骑自行车活动的想法.

Ruby Bridges步行上学日的传单模板

员工可以登录MySPS访问以下内容 flyer templates:

  • Walk to School Day (October)
  • Ruby Bridges步行上学日(11月)
  • 爱你的路线情人节步行/骑自行车/乘公交车上学日(2月)
  • Earth Day (April)
  • Bike to School Month (May)


Sidewalk chalk that says "Meet here; Feb 15, Walk and bike to school; Free stuff"
  • 学校领导可以把信息放在 school newsletter. They can also send text messages to families that are automatically translated into different languages through “Talking Points.” (limit 600 characters)
  • Teachers can share with their classes. 体育老师是一个很好的提问对象!
  • 学校或学区可以通过Peachjar向家庭发送传单.
  • Does your school have a reader board out front? 你的学校管理员可以在那里发布关于你的活动的信息.
  • 学校领导可以参与其中 morning announcements.
  • 老师和学生可以在一个共享 school assembly (联系交通部门了解小品创意).
  • Students can make posters 在课堂上或课外活动中,并在学校周围张贴. 如果你的学校有一个绿色团队,他们可能也想参与进来.  
  • If there’s a student newspaper,它可以包括步行或骑自行车上学的学生的信息和/或聚光灯.
  • School PTAs 通常有一个Facebook页面,网页和电子邮件列表来宣传.
  • Write a message in sidewalk chalk 在校外或沿着步行/骑自行车的路线.
  • 十大正规网赌软件和西雅图交通部 communications teams 喜欢在社交媒体上关注事件和学生吗. Local media 社区博客通常也愿意关注事件.
  • And probably most effective is word of mouth!



Everyone 18 and under is free on all transit in the region (bus light rail, ferry, etc.). Orca卡是被鼓励的,但不是必需的.

下载这个应用程序,知道你的巴士什么时候来(实时): OneBusAway

Use King County Trip Planner (网页及应用程式)来规划巴士路线. Google Maps 也能帮助找到最好的选择吗.

Metro Flex 在本县的几个地区都能买到吗. You can use an app or call a number for a Metro Flex van to pick you up and drop you off anywhere in the region – including school!


The D线,15号线和994号线都停在巴拉德高中附近.  

Bus tip! 有时步行是最快的, bike, 或者滑到公共汽车站,即使它在几个街区之外. For example, 东木兰花的学生可以步行在第15大道西街乘坐D线. 8分钟后,D线就会把他们送到学校.


Sample route: 来自南方公园的学生可以在30分钟内乘坐60路公交车到达学校.


Bus tip! 有时步行是最快的, bike, 或者滑到公共汽车站,即使它在几个街区之外. For example, a student in the Rainier Beach or Mt Baker neighborhood could walk to catch the light rail to get off at Beacon Hill and take the 60 or 107 to school.


Bus tip! 有时步行是最快的, bike, 或者滑到公共汽车站,即使它在几个街区之外. For example, a student in the North Beach neighborhood could walk to catch the E line and get dropped off within a block of school.


The 44、62、31、32和E线都在几个街区内停 of Lincoln High School.

Bus tip! 有时步行是最快的, bike, 或者滑到公共汽车站,即使它在几个街区之外. For example, a student in North Queen Anne could walk to catch the 62 at the north side of the Fremont Bridge. 7分钟后,62人会把他们送到离学校一个街区的地方.   


The 7, 9, 轻轨站距离雷尼尔海滩高中只有几个街区, Franklin High School, and Alan T. Sugiyama High School.

The 67, 73, 79, 322, 522 and light rail stop within a couple blocks of Roosevelt High School.

The 4, 8, 14, and 48 都停在华盛顿中学附近一个街区内.   

Bus tip! 有时步行是最快的, bike, 或者滑到公共汽车站,即使它在几个街区之外. For example, 比肯山西侧的学生可以步行去赶8路车, 14, 或在贝克山交通中心(Mt Baker Transit Center)下车,然后在学校附近一个街区下车.